
Thursday, 8 December 2011

I've Had About Enough, Guv'nor...

I apologize in advance for my blog subject today. You've never seen me post on such a subject, and you probably never will again.

Just this once, though, please forgive me while I speak out on something I can't contain any longer. And close your 'ears' if I offend. I don't mean to.

I'm not into politics. You'll never see me in the middle of conversational cirlces at parties deep in a political debate.

Because I don't understand the inner workings of any of the levels of government, I don't speak up often. It'd be so damn easy to make a fool of myself, to get caught with my pants-of-ignorance down around my ankles.

But today I caught a youtube video, one of the newest in Governor Rick Perry's arsenal of campaign commercials.

And--although I'm still as dumb as a tree stump about politics--I DO recognize hatred when I see it.

And I saw hatred with a capital 'H' in this video.

To somehow find a way to connect the freedom of prayer in schools to gays serving in the military is--sorry, Governor--just plain stupid. Ignorant.

By producing this ad, Perry has not only embarrassed me as a Texan but I'd be willing to bet he's disappointed the very God whose platform he cowers behind.

No, I know nothing about politics. But I DO know I cannot tolerate a presidential platform which is founded on hatred of a group of people. To hear his bigoted, sanctimonious ad, I half expected him to be donned in a sheet.

And, Governor, please, please do NOT base your hatred-filled campaign on Christianity. The man on whom the very religion you cite didn't teach your brand of intolerance. He loathed it.

And one more thing, Rick Perry. When you stand on your pompous platform and say gays do not belong in the military, you're attacking friends of mine. Lots of them. And that does not set well with me.

Prayer in schools has nothing to do with gays in the military.

These gays you so hate are offering their LIVES to protect these children in these schools. They are willing to fight to protect YOUR children as well.

They are able bodied men and women who have every right to defend their country. You think their taxes are accepteble and I don't see you turning THAT away. In your supreme arrogance, money still talks--even gay money talks. Again, shame on you.

To my friends, again I apologize. Not for my thoughts, not for my words, but for the possibility it might offend any of you.
I have too many friends in the GLBT community, people who are precious to me and who are the salt of the earth.

And for once, for their sakes---and for the sake of our country's freedom to BE---I felt I needed to speak up.


  1. I couldn't agree more. The thing that rankles most for me is this bigot using Christianity to further his prejudice. The central message of Christianity for me has always been "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Where does that leave Perry?

    I don't expect him to change his beliefs. That would make me too much like him, but what I would like from him is some good old Christian tolerance and neighborly love.

  2. Trust you, my dear friend, to couch your outrage in such a calm, reasonable post. I'd have been frothing at the mouth, but, well, that's probably why I keep my mouth shut a lot of the time :D

    You're right, you know. To degrade the people fighting in a war started by bigots like this is just...I don't get it. It leaves me feeling very naive that I don't get it. Obviously, I am missing something that people would risk life and limb defending this kind of person's freedom to hate them, bash them, and use them at the same time. I might not be very Christian, maybe...

  3. My only objection to your post, Carol, is that you were far, far to kind. Rick Perry would have to climb several rungs up the ladder of evolution to reach the level of pond scum. His willingness to prostitute himself for the votes of bigots is beneath contempt, as is he.

  4. From all the feedback about this ad that I'm hearing, Perry has done nothing but nail himself tight in his political coffin.

  5. I applaud you wholeheartedly, Carol, for calling a hater a hater.

  6. I agree with what everyone has said. I too live in Texas and this is an embarrassment for us. Not all of us believe like this. It's a shame that some will actually believe and approve of his message.


  7. I agree, Baily! To use the Bible, to distort it so, is..well, if there ever was a sin, I'd think this was it!

    Thank you for visiting!

  8. Hey, Jaime!

    LOL...Oh, I frothed quite a bit, too, and still am.

    Just keeping it low key on the blog here..LOL.

    And I'm like you. I truly am naive, and it baffles me, totally baffles me.

    These are PEOPLE he's talking about. PEOPLE.

    Just...shame on him. You know, I guess we could use the Bible on HIM, as he's so quick to do..."Father, forgive him for he knows not what he does."

    Hello, by the way, my dear friend.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Dorien/Roger, I agree with you! But he's what he is and..I'm...well, a lady, at least on my blog. LOL...

    Good to see you, my friend.

  11. Hey, there, Eric!
    You know...I hope you're right. Oh, do I ever hope you're right.

    A fellow worker said today, 'He's toast'....and I SO hope that is true.

  12. Hey, there, Rick. Thank you for visiting, and....I suppose there are lots of bad things to call him but I figure 'hater' is as bad as it can be in my book.

  13. OH, welcome, Blue Smokey (Tj), to a fellow Texan.

    So you know the feeling, too? What an embarrassment he is to us all here in out state.

    Nice to see you!

  14. Spread the word, Carol. Don't allow that kind of intolerance to reign. you go girl!

  15. Do the words dumbarse wanker come to mind? I honestly can't understand how this person says what he said and then still say he is a good christian. NEWS FLASH!!! God created all people - not just the straight ones.

  16. Huh? Wah? How does he compare apples and oranges like that, and manage to sound reasonable, and not like an idiot? Children pray in school all of the time, like before tests! But if "his" God created all of us, then where did gay folk come from, if not from God? Sheesh! You guys keep him in Texas, okay?

  17. Anyone who is for his ad, deserves to get offended. If Christians were like you, might not fear them so much. That he might even have a chance of winning makes me cringe. Did you see Secretary Clinton's speech to the UN? She was a good witness for people of faith too.

  18. Don't apologize for speaking out, Carol! Speaking against a group of people goes against human rights. I hope Obama points that out to Perry when they stand face to face in debates. Hillary's speech was absolutely wonderful and so eye-opening that I have a hard time believing she didn't change some peoples' minds about being more acceptive. It is as she said: rulers who suppress a group are remembered in history as bad rulers. Let's just hope that Perry (or Bachmann - Jesus...) never makes it as a ruler.

  19. Wow. I don't even get the parallel he draws there. That's stunning, and not in a good way.

  20. Hey, Joylene!
    Intolerance with a capital "I"...he was already bad, but this just topped his cake. LOL..

  21. Amen, Sue! And if that IS Christianity, to hate, then I've misunderstood it all my life.

  22. God did create us all, Norma. Exactly. And 'wanker'? Yeah, buddy, that's him.

  23. It is SO apples to oranges, Fiona! And reasonable? Cheetah the Chimpanzee might as well run in his place. Grr...

  24. Nix--my sentiments exactly: that he might have even the slightest chance to win!

    The more I watch him, the more I wonder how he got into office in the first place. I know it was not MY vote that put him there.

  25. To Erika and Nix: I did not get to see H. Clinton's speech yet, but I've heard wonderful things about it, and am going to have to find it.

    And you're SO right. Leaders cannot suppress or---even worse---openly hate groups of people. They just cant'. That job is already being handled quite thoroughly by the Klan. Their hatred is more than plenty.

  26. Hey, Sarah! I know, I know. The way he makes the parallel is incredible.
    HAVING freedom and keeping people from PROTECTING that freedom are---well--night and day.

  27. I totally agree. Great post. I wonder if he realizes how stupid he sounds? Let's hope nobody really takes him seriously. He truly is a hater and thank you for telling it like it is. I probably wouldn't have used such a "nice" word for it.

  28. You were uncommonly polite, Carol. If it were me .... but then I'm no lady!

  29. Oh, it's so good to see you, Nikolaos!

    It has nothing to do with being a lady, but more I suppose with...well, let HIM be the one with the mouth that demeans. Because, while he's busy demeaning an entire community of people, he's also already demeaning and making a fool of himself in the process. He doesn't need my help. LOL...

    Hugs to you, sweetie. I've missed you.
